What are the most popular quiz and test templates in e-learning?
Our experience shows that e-learning courses usually rely on three big whales when it comes to quizzes and tests, those are test questions with one correct answer, test questions with multiple correct answers and finally also some kind of drag and drop activity. You can see elearning test templates of these interactions below.

We have included this kind of functionality in almost all of our template design packages. So I could easily add some more examples, but that is not the point of this article. What about more variety? What else can be easily built using Authoring tools like Storyline, Captivate and Lectora?
Drag and Drop
First of all drag and drop can take multiple forms, not just basic ordering type of exercise, but users can be asked to drag and drop things on images, graphs, schemes, solve puzzle exercises. Some examples below:

Single and Multiple Choice
You can find these in almost any e-learning course and we also add them to all of our template sets. Take a look how differently you can use these simple question slides to challenge your learner.

Additionally basic quizzes can be used in wide variety of situations. My personal favorite is the video quiz, where user watches short part of the video, then is presented with question and several answer options and needs to choose the correct answer, after that video continues, and a new question can be asked. We have designed several types of basic yes or no type of quizes, which are very efficient in catching users attention with a quick interaction.

Choose Five
A few more ideas for quizzes, choose 5 is a great interaction, when you need to choose 5 out of 10 options, of course you can do 3 out of 6 or 7 out of 12 it does not really matter.

True or False
And finally let’s not forget true or false questions. Here are example of one statement or more true and false statements in one slide.

Explore all e-learning templates
This is only a small part of our E-learning template library. Explore hundreds of course starters, games, click & reveal, info pages and other test and quiz templates. Click the button below and see all of our e-learning templates!