Our values
Simple and honest
We are easy to work with and we want to work with nice people. We value open communication and honesty.
Our passion is our strength
We believe in modern design and exceptional products. We always strive to be ahead of the game, and we want to enable others to create amazing learning experiences.
Our history
How our story began…

We saw that rapid e-learning production is taking off, and building e-learning templates saves everyone lots of time, so we launched a spin-off project, Trivantis Lectora templates. We were struggling with marketing ideas, how to promote it, but then came our big break.

A year later we launched FasterCourse as a separate company, and we are now offering our accrued knowledge in the industry of creating templates for Articulate Storyline, Trivantis Lectora and Adobe Captivate to clients worldwide. FasterCourse has been rapidly growing ever since.

We moved the office for 2 weeks in summer time from Riga (a vibrant city of around 700k inhabitants) to a beautiful fisherman’s village, and home of kite surfing enthusiasts on the Latvian West Coast – Pavilosta. And later also the Latvian rock music city Liepaja. It was an amazing experience.

This year FasterCourse launches course templates and Adobe Captivate training program as separate products to help Instructional Designers even more.
Our team
We created a free template for COVID-19 awareness course, and this is one of the references we got. Messages like these makes us sincerely happy:
Thanks so much guys – a number of other companies have been offering access to free courses, but not the template. Perfect for me to update and add specific information from my country and company.
Small on the map, big in the heart.
FasterCourse is located in Latvia. Haven’t heard about it? Well, it’s one of three Baltic states and lies on the coast of the Baltic sea. There’s about 1.92 million of us, and our official language is Latvian.
There are many amazing things to learn about Latvia. Here are just a few fun facts.

Wi-fi paradise
We are used to fast internet, as Latvia’s internet is one of the fastest in the world. The average speed is 13.8MB/s ( in the UK it is 11.6 , and in the US – 11.9).

Standing tall
Latvia has the world’s tallest women. The average height for Latvian ladies is 170 cm. The men are no shorties either, ranking fourth.

Brewers at heart
We consume 78 litres of beer per capita every year, so it’s fair to say that beer is quite special to us. We’re also proud of Sabile Wine Hill – the most northern open- air vineyard in the world.

We love jeans!
Does your go-to outfit include a pair of jeans? You can thank Latvian- born tailor Jacob Davis who invented denim In 1871, and partnered up with Levi Strauss to start production of jeans.
Company details
Fastercourse LTD
Phone (USA): +1 (747) 999-8106
E-mail: service@fastercourse.com
Company Registration Nr. 40103813640
VAT Registration Nr. LV40103813640
Legal Address: Stabu street 17, Riga, Latvia, LV-1011
We would love to meet you
Only together we can deliver the best elearning experience to your learners. Don’t be a stranger and let us know what’s on your mind.
Official note
SIA Fastercourse has received support from European Union ERAF fund for participating in international client, partner, investor meetings, conferences, and exhibitions abroad, as a part of startup support program from Latvian Investment and Development Agency. Contract number: IZ-L-2018/31, contract date: 9th of August, 2018.