About the Download

FAQ Page

This page is created to serve frequently asked questions section, but you can easily change it to a simple click and reveal if you want to. Sometimes it can come in handy if you can answer all questions in one place and the user can find all the answers in one place.


Want to know how we built this?

If you would like to find out how to create an interaction like this, we have a follow-along tutorial on our YouTube channel that explores this template in greater detail. Check it out here:

Feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more tips and tutorials!

Non Commercial Use Only

Free templates are provided for non comercial use only and you can use them only for testing purposes. If you would like to use these templates for your commercial projects please consider subscribing to Fastercourse template library. We have thousands of great templates, feel free to check out other Storyline templates in our library!


Articulate Storyline License

Important: You will need an active Articulate 2, Articulate 360 or Articulate 3 subscription to create courses with these Storyline templates. Disclaimer: Fastercourse templates have been developed by Fastercourse. We are an independent e-learning production company, and we don’t have any direct connection to https://www.articulate.com/