This character set is created to be one, big family called The Fastersons. Currently, this set consists of 10 characters, each of them have 15 different poses and all are available on a transparent background. So in total 150 images. In addition, you will receive an Adobe Illustrator file, so you will be able to make changes easily.
Contents of this download
- 15 images of Albert in different poses
- 15 images of Clara in different poses
- 15 images of Coral in different poses
- 15 images of John in different poses
- 15 images of Linda in different poses
- 15 images of David in different poses
- 15 images of Robert in different poses
- 15 images of Elizabeth in different poses
- 15 images of Sophia in different poses
- 15 images of James in different poses
+ Adobe Illustrator file for all characters!
This character set is a part of the Entire Library subscription ($349 per year), see more details here: https://fastercourse.com/template/entire-library-download